Sunday, January 10, 2010

Mixers, Food Processors, and Spices! Oh my!

One of my current goals/hobbies is to become a respectable cook. I've only been really cooking for myself since the summer so I still have a lot to learn. I like to think that for a beginner I'm doing pretty well though I really want to start making more things from scratch and as well as more elaborate dishes. Right now we eat a lot of meals that start life as seasoning packets or boxes which is fine but I know we can do better. However, it's been harder than I expected to try to new recipes due to food prices and a lack of time on my part. After shopping in Knoxville it's been quite a shock adapting to the prices and selection at the stores here.

I think one of my goals for this semester is to trim our food budget while increasing the variety and quality of our meals. This might be overambitious but I think it can be done. One way we're planning to improve our diet is to make more things from scratch. Hummus, bread, and other things will be a lot easier to make with a processor/mixer. Not only is it cheaper for us to make these things ourselves but will give us greater control over the ingredients. The boy used to make bread at a bakery so I'm looking forward to some of his creations. Hopefully these ambitions will be facilitated by the toys that should be coming in the mail soon.

A food processor

and a hand mixer.

I think one of the first things I'm going to do with my new toy is either make a cake and frosting or hummus.

Cooking goals for the next month:

Make bread at least once
Make at least one of the "usual" dishes from scratch.
Add two new spices to the spice rack and use them